“Try Me”, Jorja Smith’s 2023 single, seamlessly blends into the contemporary R&B landscape with its sophisticated sounds and melancholic atmospheres. The song opens with an upbeat tempo and a contagious beat, elements typical of the genre, creating an atmosphere of openness and vulnerability.
From the very first verses, Jorja invites us to “ask her again about her”, aware of the pain this request may cause. The poetic and profound lyrics reveal a sense of introspection and inner struggle. The singer confronts the criticisms and expectations of others, feeling misunderstood and judged, a common experience for many artists.
The chorus explodes in a cry for liberation: “Go ahead, try me” Jorja challenges the world to test her, to truly know her, beyond the barriers she has built to protect herself. It’s an invitation to go beyond appearances, to delve into the soul of a strong and fragile woman at the same time, a central theme in R&B that often explores the complexity of the human spirit.

“Jorja Smith 04/18/2018 #30” by jus10h is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/?ref=openverse.
The song’s bridge introduces an element of hope, that often offers a message of comfort and redemption. Jorja acknowledges that she has changed, that she has learned from her mistakes. But at the same time, she is aware that change is never enough to meet the expectations of others.
The song concludes with a message of determination, that encourages facing difficulties with strength and determination. Jorja is ready to face life’s challenges, aware that pain is part of the growth process. Her invitation is to embrace one’s vulnerability and accept oneself for who one is, without compromise, a universal message that resonates strongly .
“Try Me” is a powerful and moving song that offers us an authentic glimpse into Jorja Smith’s psyche. Her voice, rich in emotion and intensity, takes us on an introspective journey, inviting us to reflect on our own fragilities and the meaning of being human. The song fits perfectly into Jorja Smith’s musical landscape, characterized by her ability to explore the innermost facets of the human soul through music.